Rubber Dog4 -Real dog's life -

  • Brand: The 俺の世界
  • Model cohi-046
  • Video Size: 1280×720
  • Data size: 1.54GB+709MB
  • Video Time: 43分15秒+19分26秒
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ¥2,200円

  • Ex Tax: ¥2,000円
  • Price in reward points: 2000

Even if I'll be a dog, would you feel I'm cute?
She stopped man.
She's enjoying a life as a dog.
She has made progress as a dog.
She can run after a ball quickly as a dog.
Moreover she wears a suit doubly.
A rule is between two people.
They'll sometimes change the dog role.
One of them will also live a life as a dog today.

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